Chinese Girl Name Meaning

 Wanjing(婉菁) Name Analysis
Wanjing(婉菁) Name Analysis The name "Wanjing(婉菁)" means extremely intelligent; gentle and elegant; a timid and lovable little woman; as beautiful as flowers; the impression it gives people is: excellent, beautiful, fine, exuberant, docile, extremely intelligent, gentle and elegant, a timid and lovable little woman, and as beautiful as flowers. February 2, 2023
 Lingyu(灵雨) Name Analysis
Lingyu(灵雨) Name Analysis The name "Lingyu(灵雨)" means exquisite, helpful, beautiful and well-connected; the impression it gives people is: fine, modest, virtuous, virginal, docile, and dexterous. January 30, 2023
 Xinning(馨宁) Name Analysis
Xinning(馨宁) Name Analysis The name "Xinning(馨宁)" means enjoying a widespread reputation; peace and happiness; tranquility, and immortality; having a niche in the temple of fame; the impression it gives people is: sincere, harmonious, excellent, good health, gentle and quiet, and fine. January 30, 2023
 Sirou(思柔) Name Analysis
Sirou(思柔) Name Analysis The name "Sirou(思柔)" means gentle and virtuous, intelligent and agile, thoughtful and beautiful; the impression it gives people is: sincere, wisdom, kind-hearted, modest, and docile. January 30, 2023
 Cailing(采苓) Name Analysis
Cailing(采苓) Name Analysis The name "Cailing(采苓)" means young talent, high spirits, modest and courteous; the impression it gives people is: sensible, kind-hearted, integrity, curiosity, willpower, and humor. January 30, 2023
 Yanan(雅南) Name Analysis
Yanan(雅南) Name Analysis The name "Yanan(雅南)" means unique insight, vitality, smooth sailing, and elegance; the impression it gives people is: aspiring, elegant, fine, liberal, kind-hearted, and considerate. January 30, 2023
 Wenyin(文茵) Name Analysis
Wenyin(文茵) Name Analysis The name "Wenyin(文茵)" means erudite, versatile and gentle; the impression it gives people is: elegant, gentle and quiet, artistic talent, fine, lovely, and exuberant. January 28, 2023
Chen Xiwen(陈夕雯) Name Analysis
Chen Xiwen(陈夕雯) Name Analysis The name "Chen Xiwen(陈夕雯)" means beautiful, quiet, restrained, elegant, and enjoy the family; the impression it gives people is: sincere, excellent, beautiful, outgoing, fine, and youth. January 23, 2023
Ren Yihe(任沂禾) Name Analysis
Ren Yihe(任沂禾) Name Analysis The name "Ren Yihe(任沂禾)" means Unity, high ambition, mature and prudent, and take it calmly; the impression it gives people is: sensible, kind-hearted, integrity, tolerant, insight, and modest. January 23, 2023
Su Jinyin(苏锦茵) Name Analysis
Su Jinyin(苏锦茵) Name Analysis The name "Su Jinyin(苏锦茵)" means gentle and pleasant, pure in heart, rich in life, promising in future; the impression it gives people is: excellent, beautiful, elegant, optimism, fine, and exuberant. January 22, 2023