The Chinese Names For Girls In The Year Of The Rat 2020


For baby girls born in the year of the rat, they are smarter than their peers. When they grow up, they will become more refined and quieter. Born in the Year of the Rat, the girl has a massive sense of family and is committed to supporting parents with outstanding material and spiritual satisfaction. Therefore, for couples, having a baby girl born in the year of the rat is a pleasant thing. For a baby girl born in 2020, in addition to doing baby work, parents must also consider the correct name in advance.

Notes on naming girls born in the year of the rat

Based on five elements

Specifically, the five elements are gold, wood, earth, water, and fire. Based on the baby's date of birth, we can calculate five factors. Whether it is one or two or more missing, we must find a way to make up. In short, it is to supplement the missing elements. For example, a baby born in the year of the rat could choose the term "ice, water and dew" if it lacks water in five elements.

Allegorical meaning

Of course, the essential thing in choosing a name is the meaning of the word. Never select talk with the wrong sense. Try to select an auspicious purpose, so that is the right name that entrusts parents with blessings and love.

According to the characteristics of the zodiac

2020 is the year of the rat. When parents name a baby girl, they must not forget the zodiac sign of the mouse. The mouse is the head of the zodiac sign, so you might consider using the word with "王(king)." The mouse likes activities at night and can use the characters with "月(moon)." At the same time, the mouse also likes to eat food such as rice, so the characters with "米(rice)" are also worth considering.

By gender

The names of girls and boys are very different. Whether it is lively and cute, or quiet and elegant, as long as it is feminine, it can be used as a baby girl's name.

Recommended Chinese names for girls in the year of the Rat 2020

梦竹: The name is very elegant and gives people a fresh and refined feeling. Bamboo symbolizes noble moral character.

芷梦: The name is beautiful, but it also means that children can achieve what they want and dreams come true.

依秋: For girls born in the fall of 2020, consider this name, which is more memorable.

平安: A seemingly simple name is the best blessing that parents have given their daughters.

谷蕊: The stamens that want to bloom are just like the shy and lovely girls.

妙绿: Green gives a lively, fresh, and natural feeling, which is very suitable as a name.

乐蓉: "蓉" is the right word for girls. "乐" means that parents want their children to be happier and less depressed during their growth.

诗珊: A very poetic name, parents want the child to grow up a quiet lady, you can use this name.

绮烟: Brings a dreamy feeling is a beautiful girl's name.

语梦: These two words are well pronounced and have good meaning. This means that babies are good at thinking about the future, and the road to life is beautiful and smooth.

香巧 涵易 忆之 水风 白亦 惜玉 怜雪 念蕾

紫夏 千凡 元冬 平卉 笑柳 南蓉 巧兰 绿蝶

怀瑶 慕易 紫安 寻巧 寄波 以旋 依丝 怜南

飞兰 笑卉 元冬 觅雪 沛凝 映安 映冬 梦秋

梦凡 若云 怀蕾 灵寒 翠安 宛南 怀蕊 易绿

夜南 亦巧 冰真 白萱 又琴 天风 盼菡 香彤

迎彤 雁山 易蓉 又绿 冰绿 笑容 映秋 盼烟

涵雁 冬萱 晓山 南莲 飞双 思萱 雨梅 冷霜

忆文 翠巧 若山 凡白 天曼 从安 绮彤 凡梅

沛槐 又槐 易槐 宛亦 丹云 易文


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