Chinese Boy Name Meaning

 Hangyue(杭樾) Name Analysis
Hangyue(杭樾) Name Analysis The name "Hangyue(杭樾)" means elegant, energetic, handsome, graceful, flourish and grow; the impression it gives people is: willpower, faith, self-discipline, honest, judgment, and passion. January 28, 2023
 Xingyan(星言) Name Analysis
Xingyan(星言) Name Analysis The name "Xingyan(星言)" means smart, outstanding, far-sighted and versatile; the impression it gives people is: optimism, diligent, artistic talent, fine, and confidence. January 28, 2023
 Yaohua(遥华) Name Analysis
Yaohua(遥华) Name Analysis The name "Yaohua(遥华)" means riches and honour, brilliant, thriving, and respected; the impression it gives people is: aspiring, aspirant, fine, eternal, virtuous, and independent. January 28, 2023
Lin Shiyue(林时樾) Name Analysis
Lin Shiyue(林时樾) Name Analysis The name "Lin Shiyue(林时樾)" means vigorous, prosperous, with good luck; the impression it gives people is: aspiring, aspirant, prosperous and nobiliary, bright, diligent, and auspicious. January 22, 2023
He Anyan(何安彦) Name Analysis
He Anyan(何安彦) Name Analysis The name "He Anyan(何安彦)" means Loyalty, patriotism, bravery; the impression it gives people is: cheerful, good health, artistic talent, confidence, virile, and sedate. January 20, 2023
Lu Fangchi(陆方池) Name Analysis
Lu Fangchi(陆方池) Name Analysis The name "Lu Fangchi(陆方池)" means high ambitions, delicate features, open and aboveboard; the impression it gives people is: excellent, artistic talent, cautious, sensible, integrity, and tender. January 19, 2023
Fang Cili(方辞礼) Name Analysis
Fang Cili(方辞礼) Name Analysis The name "Fang Cili(方辞礼)" means eloquent, educated, and reasonable; the impression it gives people is: harmonious, elegant, artistic talent, cautious, virtue, and sensible. January 19, 2023
Min Beiyu(闵北予) Name Analysis
Min Beiyu(闵北予) Name Analysis The name "Min Beiyu(闵北予)" means outstanding feats, good at power and strategy, full of praise, broad-minded; the impression it gives people is: aspiring, aspirant, excellent, eternal, confidence, and sensible. January 18, 2023
Lin Mushi(林牧时) Name Analysis
Lin Mushi(林牧时) Name Analysis The name "Lin Mushi(林牧时)" means smooth sailing, intelligent and capable, lucky, resourceful; the impression it gives people is: harmonious, elegant, prosperous and nobiliary, fine, happiness, and kind-hearted. January 18, 2023