Chinese Boy Name Meaning

 Nanzhou(南舟) Name Analysis
Nanzhou(南舟) Name Analysis The name "Nanzhou(南舟)" means It implies gentleness, intellectuality, courage, determination, and vitality.; the impression it gives people is: aspiring, aspirant, artistic talent, confidence, willpower, gentleness and intellectuality, , and march forward courageously. March 21, 2023
 Muyu(穆愉) Name Analysis
Muyu(穆愉) Name Analysis The name "Muyu(穆愉)" means gentle, comfortable, courteous and picturesque; the impression it gives people is: elegant, optimism, confidence, and intellectuality. February 1, 2023
 Fuyuan(复远) Name Analysis
Fuyuan(复远) Name Analysis The name "Fuyuan(复远)" means doing what you say, doing what you learn, knowing what one is about, and carrying out with drive and sweep; the impression it gives people is: cautious, integrity, modest, studious, brave, and judgment. February 1, 2023
 Ranming(冉名) Name Analysis
Ranming(冉名) Name Analysis The name "Ranming(冉名)" means gentle and lovely, everlasting, positive, and striving for the top; the impression it gives people is: reputation, honor, success, and fame. February 1, 2023
 Lingye(灵晔) Name Analysis
Lingye(灵晔) Name Analysis The name "Lingye(灵晔)" means beautiful, exquisite, brilliant and intelligent; the impression it gives people is: sincere, prosperous and nobiliary, bright, cheerful, diligent, and dexterous. February 1, 2023
 Jiazhi(嘉志) Name Analysis
Jiazhi(嘉志) Name Analysis The name "Jiazhi(嘉志)" means high ambition, high morale, and praise; the impression it gives people is: aspiring, aspirant, hapiness, fine, and happiness. February 1, 2023
 Mingyao(明耀) Name Analysis
Mingyao(明耀) Name Analysis The name "Mingyao(明耀)" means highly talented, brilliant, charismatic and knowledgeable; the impression it gives people is: aspirant, bright, cheerful, fine, wisdom, and sensible. February 1, 2023
 Xinda(信达) Name Analysis
Xinda(信达) Name Analysis The name "Xinda(信达)" means studious, faithful, generous, rich and lucky; the impression it gives people is: sincere, artistic talent, liberal, virtue, and make a contribution. January 28, 2023
 Leming(乐明) Name Analysis
Leming(乐明) Name Analysis The name "Leming(乐明)" means wisdom, self-confidence, sunshine, masculinity, well-being, wealth; the impression it gives people is: willpower, insight, studious, creativity, brave, and leadership. January 28, 2023
 Weiqing(为清) Name Analysis
Weiqing(为清) Name Analysis The name "Weiqing(为清)" means young and promising, with great achievements, entrusted with important tasks, knowledgeable and reasonable; the impression it gives people is: sensible, integrity, make a contribution, virginal, and forthright. January 28, 2023